A Note From Pastor Robyne
Hello friends,
February is Black History Month, the annual observance of the history of the African diaspora. It has been observed in the month of February in the United States and Canada since 1976. It was begun as Negro History week by historian Carter G. Woodson in 1926 with the goal of educating the American people about African American history. The history of The United Methodist Church is filled with deeply spiritual people like Fannie Crosby. Though her name may not be familiar to most of us, she penned over 9,000 hymns. Blessed Assurance was published in 1873 and is probably the most popular. It has been a part of Methodist hymnals since 1889. Frannie Crosby was a lifelong Methodist.
“Crosby lived a life characterized by hope and generosity. She followed John Wesley’s example regarding possessions, constantly giving away all but what was required for her survival. Blinded at the age of six weeks, by a treatment prescribed by a man pretending to be a doctor, Crosby could easily have become bitter. Instead, she chose a different path and wrote that her blindness allowed her to enjoy blessings that other people could not. She became a student at the New York Institute of the Blind at age 15 and joined the faculty of the Institute at 22, teaching rhetoric and history. In 1885, Crosby married Alexander Van Alstyne, also a student at the Institute and later a member of the faculty. Middle class women in nineteenth-century United States had little voice in worship, however, one of the ways for a woman to claim the authority to be heard was by direct personal revelation from God. Fanny Crosby readily claimed God's personal revelation as a source for her hymns; her personal revelation then became a communal inspiration as Christians throughout the world sang her hymns and confirmed her faith experience as their own. If you would like to explore a few other incredible people that are a part of the great “cloud of witnesses” to us, I offer you: John Fletcher, Sojourner Truth, Richard Allen, Lady Huntingdon and William and Clementine Butler.” (resourceumc.org)
This week the message is, “Beyond the Fear.” The scripture that supports the message comes from the Gospel of Mark 9: 2-9.
There are exciting things happening at Orchard Church, here’s a peek.
Shrove Tuesday March 4, 5:30-7pm. Free Community Pancake Dinner. Register on our Facebook page or please call the church 302 335-3304
Ash Wednesday March 5, Worship and Ashes 7:00pm.
Saturday March 8, Craft Show Fundraiser at Magnolia Vol. Fire Co, Main Street, Magnolia. The time is 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM.
Beginning Wednesday March 12, 12:15-1:00pm Free Chair Aerobic Classes led by Ida Kirkendoll Register on our Facebook page or please call the church 302 335-3304
Thursday. March 20, 1-3 pm. Would you like to create a beautiful silk flower cross for yourself or someone else? This class is free, everything will be provided but sign up quickly there are only 12 spots available! Register on our Facebook page or please call the church 302 335-3304
Thursday March 27th, 1-3pm Gather for an afternoon of laughter, strategy, and snacks. Make some memories and some new friends over your favorite board games. Everything is provided, (no cost) just bring yourself. Register on our Facebook page or please call the church 302 335-3304
Bunny Breakfast for Dinner Saturday April 12. (Free Community Event 4pm & 5pm seatings Register on our Facebook page or please call the church 302 335-3304
Palm Sunday – Sunday, April 13, 2025, worship 10am
Holy Thursday – Thursday, April 17 worship 7pm
Good Friday – Friday, April 18, 2025worship 7pm
Easter Sunday April 20, 2025, Sunrise Service 6:00am (Meet us by the firepit) FREE Breakfast after Worship Service.
Easter Sunday, April 20, 2025, regular worship 10am in the sanctuary.
We also have Men’s Bible study that meets at the Church on Mondays at 10am. A Women’s Group that meets weekly on Monday at 10. A Bible study with the Pastor that meets Wednesday10 &7,
See you Sunday at 10am in person or online.
God bless you all!
Pastor Robyne
Order of Worship
Sunday Feb 16, 2025
10:00 am Worship Service
Opening Songs:
UMH #139 "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty"
"Whom Shall I Fear"
Call to Worship (Responsively)
Leader: In the midst of our darkness, Jesus brings holy light!
People: Pierce our darkness; scatter the shadows of doubt and fear!
Bring us your light, O Lord.
Leader: We seek the light but have long lived in the darkness.
Bring your light, O Lord.
People: Help us be ready to receive that light!
Leader: Come to the shining presence of Jesus. Receive healing and hope.
People: Lord, our lives are ablaze with your love and healing power. Praise be to you, O Christ! AMEN.
Opening Prayer:
The darkness of winter has been our companion, Lord. Now the days are lengthening. Bring your light to us, that we might see your glory and may work for you, offering hope and peace to this world. We ask this, in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.
Children's Time - Pastor Robyne
UMH #130 "God Will Take Care of You"
Prayer of Illumination
May Your Holy Spirit lead and guide me, providing the clarity
and inspiration I need to follow Your path. Amen
Sermon Series: Bread, Bath & Beyond
Message: "Beyond the Fear"
Scripture: Mark 9:2-9
Pastor Robyne Mayer
TFWS #2146 "His Eye is on the Sparrow"
Giving our Gifts to God.
UMH #95 "Doxology"
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen
Holy God, you sent us your Son to teach us how to live with one another, and Jesus made it so clear for us when he told parables of compassion and mercy. As we give our gifts this morning, we remember that our lives are a journey, and there are wounded and hurting all along the road. Some are where we can see, some are where we cannot see. May the gifts we offer this morning be used to bind up the wounds, to ease the pain, to give hope to those who wait in despair as the world seems to pass by on the other side. We pray as we serve, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Closing Song: "Confidence"

Chair Aerobics
Free Chair AerobicsBeginning Wednesday March 12, 12:15-1:00pmRegister for the free Wednesday classes here: https://form.jotform.com/tmgraw18/chair-aerobics-formClasses led by Ida KirkendollIf the above link doesn't work, please register on our Facebook page or call the church 302 335-3304

March 5, 7pm

March 4, Free Community Pancake Dinner
Orchard Church invites you to a free Pancake Dinner for Shrove Tuesday 5:30-7pm39 North Main StreetMagnolia DE Register here: https://form.jotform.com/230785561027053

Begins March 5, 7pm
Lenten Sermon Series Wednesday March 5, 7pmThis Lent, we are focusing on the life and faith of one of Jesus’ most famous disciples. In Peter, we see a person who is both steadfast and unsteady, a dear friend and a betrayer, a follower and a wanderer. In Peter, we often see ourselves. By following Peter’s journey, we watch the story of Jesus unfold through the eyes of a very normal human trying to figure it all out—just like us

Free Community Event
1st seating 4pm2nd seating 5pmOrchard Church39 N Main Street, Magnolia, https://form.jotform.com/230444710944150

Send Us Your Prayers
Prayers of joy or prayers of lament, please let us know how we can pray for you! Send your prayers to [email protected] with the subject line "Prayer Request".
Online Offering & Tithe
To support our ministries through monetary donations, please use the link below to give online.
Give Online
The Letters of John, beginning Jan 8
Wednesday Bible Study 10 am and 7pmJanuary 8 2025

Food Distribution
Feb 15 Starting at 9:30 -10:30

Your invited Thursday March 27th, 1-3pm
Gather for an afternoon of laughter, strategy, and snacks.Make some memories and new friends over your favorite board games.Everything is provided, (no cost) just bring yourself.Register here-https://form.jotform.com/250424391362149If the link doesn't work, please register on our Facebook page or call the church 302 335-3304

Holy Week Services
Palm Sunday – Sunday, April 13, worship 10amHoly Thursday – Thursday, April 17 worship 7pmGood Friday – Friday, April 18, worship 7pmEaster Sunday April 20, 2025, Sunrise Service 6:00am (Meet us by the firepit) FREE Breakfast after Worship Service.Easter Sunday, April 20, 2025, regular worship 10am in the sanctuary

Cardio Drumming Free Classes at Orchard Church
Tuesday & Thursday 5:45 pm.Sat 8:00 amClass runs about 45 minutes to 1 hourAges: 16 and upNo health requirements

Thursday March 20,Free Class - only 12 spots available.
Would you like to create a beautiful silk flower cross for yourself or someone else?This FREE class is being offered onThursday March 20, 1-3pm.Everything will be provided, but sign up quickly there are only 12 spots available!(Picture is for illustration purposes only. Your cross will look different depending on the flowers you pick)Sign up here:https://form.jotform.com/231695025774159if the link doesn't work, please register on our Facebook page or please call the church 302 335-3304

Craft Show Fundraiser at Magnolia Vol. Fire Co
Craft Show Fundraiser at Magnolia Vol. Fire Co, Main Street, Magnolia to benefit Orchard Church's Roof rebuildHelp rebuild Orchard Church's roof while enjoying a day of fun, food, and community spirit at the Magnolia Fire Hall Date: Saturday, March 8th Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PMLocation: Magnolia Vol. Fire Co, Main Street, Magnolia, DE